Everyone has a soul purpose,
yet seldom are we taught how to unlock it.

About Asha

Who am I

I am a human behaviourist who specialises in sustained high-performance practices and life-fulfillment strategies.

I am the Founder and Director of Light Tower.

We Are

A Safe Harbour for you to Cultivate the Purpose Within

This is where you belong


Here you will find the right questions born from the best of what science and spirituality have to offer, along with the skill set to listen to and execute the commands of the inner voice – the cry, and the whispers that nudge you along your soul’s journey to manifest the life you desire.‍

Trade empty success and burnout for sustained high-performance and fulfillment by learning our Diamond Mind to Manifestation Model.

‍We offer a suite of services for the individual and business looking to take their purpose to the next level.

Learn to listen...your soul is speaking.

What we are best at

How we serve

Over achievers are among the first to burn-out.

Light Tower teaches companies, executive team leaders, and professionals alike the art and science of sustained high performance and fulfilment. Our custom models are specifically designed for success driven individuals prone to burn-out, who are now asking themselves “surely there is more to life than this constant grind.”

Light Tower coaches through the necessary process of unhooking from the anchors keeping them from breaking through the glass-ceiling of traditional success models, and coach them on how to radically transform their goal acquisition method.

Discover your purpose.

" The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. "

Mark Twain

Contact us to learn about our online and face-to-face programs.


Online Courses

Guest Speaking​



Light Tower Pty Ltd ACN 638 999 649 trading as ‘Light Tower’ ABN 96 638 999 649